A Wake - LIF 2024
A Wake - LIF 2024

Unity 2
3:45pm - Saturday 20th April
Have you ever thought about your funeral? How will you be remembered? Who will turn up and what will they say?
The Insiders 2.0 stages a fully improvised funeral wake based on the obituary provided by a member of the audience. Set in a pub, friends and family gather to share memories over a pint and a sandwich. A celebration of life and those that loved you A Wake presents how others remember us after our death and provides a reminder of our own mortality.
This is a show where we shine a light on life, how we live it and who remembers what.
Performed by:
Steve Wallis, Su Jackson, Di Janis, John Bennett, Stephen Longstaffe and Chrissi McCarthy.
Conceived and directed by: Mark Smith