The Children of Captain Von Trapp Wish to Say Goodnight - LIF 2024
The Children of Captain Von Trapp Wish to Say Goodnight - LIF 2024

3pm - Friday the 19th of April
We are so excited to return to the second Liverpool Improv Festival. Bringing our new show The Children of Captain Von Trapp Wish To Say Goodnight (affectionately known as TCOCVTWTSG). In a departure from our long form narrative work, we are extracting the desperate joy of online improv and throwing it on stage. We’ll be chatting, playing and following whatever stories and games unfold.
You may have attended a party which was interrupted by the host’s kids showing off before their bedtime.
A warbling recital of the original pokérap?
An impromptu karate demonstration?
A minute and a half of slowly ascending the stairs while singing “so long, farewell”?
In TCOCVTWTSG, Casino improv will embrace their inner Von Trapp in a show born of friendship. Casino Improv spent months scattered geographically (With one of our members literally antipodal to the rest of us). Eventually, they came together online to check in, play and invent games and, if there was time, do some improv. These meetings slowly turned into a show for an online audience called TCOCVTWTSG. Lounge about with us as we chat, play and bound in and out of scenes like children who just want to stay at the party.
Performed by: Ian Hayles, Jacob Butler, Alexi Papadopoulos, Peter Kennedy and Jess O'Neill.